Friday 22 October 2010

Sights and Sounds

I am super stoked to be a part of this:

"The first volume of The LPP Exhibit Series is Sights + Sounds in which the themed subject is based on the visual artist who makes sound and music. In addition to providing a piece for the visual exhibition, the artist has a song or sound bite included with the booklet on a cassette tape. One page is designated for text, which is left open-ended and at the artist’s discretion (bio, prose, poem, lyrics to song, etc). The other page are the visual aids either directly or conceptually connected with their sound piece. The third part of the exhibition is an online component. We have a virtual feed where the artist can post other elements that cannot fit into the book or cassette. This gives artists an additional platform to expand their ideas in the immaterial form of the Internet. The artist can present video, installation shots, photography, etc.

In addition to providing a piece for the visual exhibition in this booklet, the artist will also record a song or sound bite on a cassette tape. The booklet will be comprised of any visual aids either directly or conceptually connected with the sound pieces. The third part of the exhibition will have an online component. Our digital feed will give each artist an additional platform to expand their ideas in the immaterial form of the internet and present performances and installation shots."

Read more about it here
Some photos of the book:

This is my image, that went alongside a new recording and a new piece of writing

The digital feed is here

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